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Monday, June 7, 2021

Performance Anxiety

 So, in my job (music teacher) dealing with performance anxiety is part of every day life. 

“Breathe, smile, believe in yourself”

Common words I say every time a student is coming up to playing for anything really. I also have my own nerves, even after 25 years of playing. 

But I want to talk about performance anxiety in life. 

I’m currently on a lunch break in the middle of a first aid course. 12/13 people. I felt fairly ok, writing down information from slides, answering questions. But then the instructor mentioned the practical.... oh dear...

CPR, recovery positions etc...

Now, I know what you’re going to say. 

“Of course you have to do things on a first aid course! You should have known!”

And yes, in the back of my mind, I did know. But it doesn’t make the anxiety any less. 

Thoughts racing around in my head of getting things wrong, saying something stupid, performing in front of everyone else. 

I almost have to talk myself down and reason through what can and can’t go wrong. It’s a dummy, I can’t kill them. Everyone else here is learning. It’s going to be ok. 

Can you imagine if this is how you felt in every social encounter? Someone saying hi on the street? Worrying that you will say something wrong to the wrong  no person. For me, my anxiety come from experience. Someone making a judgement or saying something vile to me after I have done something “different”. 

Anyway, back to the course! Hopefully I’ll pass...

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