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Friday, April 2, 2021

Happy Autism Day!!!!

 Happy Autism Day!!!!

There has been much debate over what today is called, so I’m sticking with Autism Day.
Everyday I am grateful for my husband and son. Our individual autism makes us knit together as a unit. We talk through each other’s traits, strengths, weaknesses, faux pass, life lessons and achievements because we understand. We laugh together, we cry together and we learn together.
A psychiatrist once told me that autistic people can sense each other and unknowingly seek each other out. Very unknowingly in our case because we’re married before we were both diagnosed and yet, we always knew.
I’m sure you’re all sick of me talking about autism by now, unfortunately I don’t think I’m going to stop. Autism is as much a part of me as the colour of my eyes and you all know I love a good selfie. 😉
Autism isn’t just our problems or difficulties. It’s our art, IQ, life perception, lexicon, reason for being. It’s such a shame it’s been painted in such a negative light because we’re some of the most creative kids in town!
Anyway... I digress...
I love my family. They’re incredible. Everything good in my personality has been down to my non-neurotypical-ness.

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