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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Warning! Causes Autism!

So, after seeing a post on Facebook, I'm feeling a few things. 

Angry, hurt, uncomfortable, saddened, to name a few. 

I spend a lot of my time trying to show people the positive side to my life and personality. I've always wanted to show people that being autistic is fine, wonderful even. It has it's ups and downs but over all, I wouldn't change a thing. I wouldn't know who I would be without it and I never want to find out, not that I can. 

I also believe in "live and let live". I don't interfere in other's beliefs and think that (as long as it doesn't cause harm) people can believe what they please. 

The one thing I do ask is that you please don't use autism to fuel your personal agenda. Now, obviously, I use my own autism to promote a healthy view of autistic people. Some people might view this as me "using autism to fuel my personal agenda", however I do use it in favour of autism and acceptance. If anyone wants to call me out on that, please let me know. I'll be happy to discuss. 

What I am talking about though is people posting 'healthy living' items and claiming, "Don't do this or it will cause autism!" "Don't eat that or it will cause autism!".

Cause autism......

From what I have seen, heard, read, lived and researched, I have not been "caused". We are equally valid human beings. I can't speak for what causes certain diseases as I am not a doctor or medical buff, but autism is not a disease and it shouldn't be spoken about as such.

I find it so hurtful that people still feel that we are diseased and need to be cured or a wrong that needs to be righted. When I look at my little boy, I do not see someone who is wrong, I see the most wonderful person ever created, because he's my boy. I look into his eyes and my heart swells with pride. I love his quirks and ideas, I share his ups and downs. I look at my husband and see my life partner, not someone who needs to be fixed or solved. He is not broken nor a puzzle. This is my family, my pride and joy. 

I can't change peoples minds or beliefs. I can't trump their research. However I can make requests. 

Please, I beg you, don't make the world see us in this light. Don't treat us like we are diseased and infectious. Don't use our condition and personalities to sell your agenda. We work very hard to fit in and be liked, please don't make life harder. 

You have no idea how much it hurts to see "autism" used in such a way. We were born this way, not made. I am proud of who I am and I am trying to raise a proud and self confident autistic boy, which will turn into a successful, wonderful, autistic man who is proud of who he is and his family. 

Surely we all deserve that?

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